Get PREPared for *WINTER*

Empty & Un-Block Gutters

Un-emptied gutters can cause blockages, forcing them to overflow and leak.
This can then lead to damp penetration into your property!

So……when the leaves have fallen (usually late October ISH) we can set your mind at rest
and if you prefer, just empty and unblock your gutters (no cleaning required).

This will allow the winter rainfall to flow freely around your gutters & away safely down the downspout!

Is it your turn to entertain this Christmas?

Book early for your festive INTERNAL Conservatory Clean,
because at Christmas time with family gathering, it will be seen!

So……leave it to me or Lee,
while you sort the shopping, wine and Christmas Tree!

Gritting & Snow Clearance

The 'Dream Team' 🙂

( Clanfield, Fulwood, Preston 2010 )


During the Winter months, we offer a SNOW-CLEARING and GRITTING service
for your Paths and Driveways.
So……when the ICE-man cometh, our cool snow-clearing team slide into action,
to keep you on your feet throughout Winter!

Let us maintain your property throughout the year, whatever the weather!!
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